Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: Fitness Mama Christmas FitMix + Holiday Eating Tips

Did you guys know that Christmas Day is Christelyn's birthday??!!

It's a big deal around here.  Santa visits.  And then we have birthday CAKE!

But only a small slice.  ;)

We know it's the holidays and you may have MULTIPLE holiday parties to attend, making it challenging to stick to your healthy eating plans.  Below, we put together a list of things you can do to try to keep focused on your goals. Taking a proactive approach and having a plan will definitely help you stay on track!

-Don't starve yourself.  A lot of people skip breakfast/lunch so that they can have extra calories at dinner.  We don't recommend this because you just end up eating the equivalent of breakfast, lunch AND dinner (x2?) because you are SO hungry.  You also end up spiking your blood sugar way high when you eat a big meal like this.  Ever feel sleepy after a big meal?  A lot of people jokingly call this 'food coma' but it is no laughing matter.  Your blood sugars are spiked, pulling all of your body's resources to digest the food and to get rid of all this sugar.  This is why you feel sleepy; you don't have energy to do anything but digest food.  This is a very simplistic explanation but continuous patterns of this lead to diabetes.

-Avoid mindless munching.  Absentminded snacking on top of a big dinner leads to overeating.  Hang out away from the chips and dip.  Or make your own healthy dip of homemade hummus.  Which leads us to the next tip....

-Bring your own food!  Potluck or not, create a plate of something healthy.  You can easily make a low calorie, low sodium spinach dip and bring cucumbers and carrots to dip.  Or what about a colorful salsa fresca with pita chips?!

-Stick to protein and veggies.  This is one of the commandments I live by for everyday, not just holidays.  I find that if I avoid all of the white rice, pastas and bread, I don't feel as weighed down and I can easily recover and get back on track the next day.

-Don't snowball into bad eating habits until 2014.  So you blew it had a slice of cake (or two?) on ONE day. Don't overreact and give up because you slipped.  One splurge won't undo a whole week of healthy eating....unless you give in and let it.

Bottom line is, if you do end up overeating, don't be too hard on yourself.  Just get back on track the next day.  And maybe add an extra workout to burn off those extra calories!  And I have just the thing to help you with that!

It has been awhile since our last one but we are releasing another workout mix for you mamas!  In order to celebrate Christelyn's birthday and Christmas, we put together this mix for you to get your workout or run on.  It's a mix of Christmas songs and recent top 40 hits to get you into #beastmode to work off those extra holiday calories!

Content warning: Some songs may contain explicit language.
Click on the link above to download your free workout mix!

Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram (links are up above near the blog banner!).  Tag us with your workout pictures whenever you use our mix!  #fitnessmama  Have a great workout!

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