Monday, September 30, 2013


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Monday, September 23, 2013


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Friday, September 20, 2013

Fit Mama of the Week: Lana

We chose our newest Fit Mama of the Week, Lana, initially because we were drawn to her creative lunch ideas on Instagram.  But as we got to know Lana, she has brought up many points that we've always wanted to discuss like working out but not eating clean and how this does not work.  I know that when I was in my 20's, I could eat anything I wanted knowing that if I put time in to workout I'd be ok.  But when I hit my early 30's, I gained some weight but couldn't figure out why despite working out; meanwhile I was eating danishes with a tall mocha almost daily, then big bowls of pasta or white rice later.  So if you're wondering why you haven't seen any changes even though you work out or wondering why you've reached a plateau, definitely re-assess your diet and see if there are changes you can make.  We can't stress the importance of eating clean enough.  Luckily, Lana has a few lunch ideas to share below to help inspire you!

Name/Age/Marital Status/Kids/Ages
My name is Lana and  I am 34 years old and am married.   We have two children; a five year old “big” girl and a two year old boy.

Do you work outside of the home? What do you do?
I’m first and foremost a stay-at-home mom, who teaches fitness classes.   I teach at a few local gym and also run my own boot camp, called 1funfitmama on the weekends.

Have you always been into fitness? If not, why did you start?
I've always loved fitness and working out, but not until my second child was born did I truly understand the true meaning of “fitness” for me.  I now understand what my body is capable of and how important being healthy is. In the past, it was just about maintaining my weight. I never dieted or ate clean.  I ate whatever I wanted and thought “I’ll just work that off later”.    As I've aged and now being over 30 the concept of buy now/pay later wouldn't work anymore.  I also didn't push myself to get stronger, as I was scared of heavy weights or even true weight lifting.  Now, when I think about fitness, I think of the endless opportunities for me to get healthier in my mind and physically in my body. Fitness just isn't about the physical element of working out, it is about eating healthy, which doesn't mean just dieting and feeling good about it, but consuming nutritional foods and treating your body with respect.

What do you do to stay active? What is your favorite way to get exercise? What do you do as a family to get active?
I’m very active throughout the week.  With the kids' crazy schedules, I know you’re thinking they are only five & two, but yes we have LOTS to do, it is sometimes challenging to fit a workout in.  In addition to the four classes I teach throughout the week, I also dedicate at least one day to just me, whether that’s a run, yoga, or simply working out in my basement.  My all-time favorite way to workout is with my kids.  I have recently taken a mommy and baby boot camp with my youngest and it was the best experience.  I started when he was just 13 weeks old.  It was a hard core boot camp, which taught me that I CAN work out with my kids in the room.  That was always a huge excuse for me, but now I learned that my kids love to see me workout and end up doing some of the workouts with me.  It is not only fun, but we are bonding and building lasting healthy habits.  My favorite type of exercise is a mixture of strength & cardio in a boot camp routine.  I've never seen a real difference in my body until I started doing boot camp.  This type of class makes you utilize you’re body weight in way’s I never thought possible, and has increased my strength tremendously.  

perfect plank :)

As a family, we love to be outside! We go on walks, bike rides, or to the pool in the summer all the time. Being at home, I like the kids to get outside at least once a day to burn off the energy, especially during the “witching” hour. You know the time between 4-5:30 pm!  Not sure if it’s just my kids, but something happens & they become crazy!!!

Making a commitment to staying fit is something that is not easy. How do you stay motivated?
It is hard to stay motivated when you have a thousand things on your to-do list. At the end of the day, staying fit and healthy makes me feel better about myself and overall makes me a better person/mom.  I just have to remind myself how great I feel after a workout (sweat and all…actually the more sweat the better).  That feeling after you've done something great for your mind, body, and spirit is such an amazing feeling, and I do silly tricks throughout the day to help me stay motivated. For example, I put workout clothes on first thing, even if I don’t plan on working out till later. It makes me more accountable.  I also lay out my clothes and get my water bottle ready the night before for those early morning workouts.  My main motivator is my kids.  I’m a better mom because I am dedicating a few hours of the week for “me” time, which is hard to do as an active mother, but definitely needed!

How do you balance work and/or family and then to stay fit and the same time?
Balancing life in general is super hard and challenging, some days I feel torn and don’t feel anyone/thing is getting enough attention.  I don’t think I've figured this out completely and think it will be ever changing as the kids get older and more activities occur.  The one thing that does help me is that I know my kids love being active, love to help me cook healthy foods, and enjoy the play time with other kids when they go the gym with me. My husband is also very active and a full supporter of our healthy lifestyle, having him as part of our strong support system is crucial!

Share what you would eat on a typical day or any particular meal.  Do you have any healthy meal ideas that the kids love that you would like to share?  What are some your favorite healthy snacks for yourself and for the kids?
I typically eat 4-6 small meals a day. 

For breakfast, I typically have 1-2 slices of EarthGrains Wheat Berry with Honey bread, topped with Almond Butter, banana, and drizzle of honey.  I also have protein shakes in conjunction with my food a few mornings a week.  This could consist of an actual protein powder meal replacement formula or almond milk and fruit combo shake that I’ve put together for myself and the kids. My kids love shakes!  Our favorite is a chocolate, banana, and berry smoothie.  It is 8 oz. dark chocolate almond milk or chocolate soy milk, a big scoop of vanilla Greek yogurt, 1 banana (frozen or ripe), a handful of kale or spinach, 1 cup of frozen berries and a drizzle of honey. My kids love this with their morning breakfast, would be great as a snack too.  We also eat a lot of yogurt with homemade granola for breakfast.

 For lunch, I eat a lot of salads and wraps. My kids love salad too, so I pack salad combos for school.  Some other things I like to pack for lunch are frozen veggies which are a great way to keep food cold but also will defrost in time for lunch, or another is pita bread with spaghetti sauce and cheese so the kids can make their own pizza. 

Some of our favorite snacks are homemade trail mix (raw almonds, cashews, dried berry mix and dark chocolate chips), hummus or laughing cow cheese spread with veggies and pita chips, or a bowl of cottage cheese, cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumbers and avocado with a sprinkle of pepper.  My kid’s all-time favorite is frozen mixed berries and a handful of dark chocolate chips. We also can’t do without our almond butter or all natural peanut butter, we will often spread this on a banana for an after workout snack.

Was eating healthier something you always practiced in your household?
Recently, our family made the switch to a clean eating household. It is a slow change for certain beloved items (i.e. pasta) but for the most part I buy items that do not contain preservatives and try to stay close to the 5 ingredient rule.  If I don’t understand what is in the ingredients, I won’t buy it. The biggest change for me was reading ingredients. This is not something I was used to. I bought, what I thought was healthy, but after reading ingredients and finding that majority of foods contains dyes and BHA and other harmful preservatives, I didn't want to put that into my body and certainly not my kids. So for my family, this change has made a significant impact on our digestive system, our moods and has helped my energy level!  A great change for our family.

Do you have any tips for other moms looking into clean eating for themselves and their families?
Find a local farmer’s market and buy fresh! It is usually a bit cheaper than the grocery stores and it is so much healthier (little to no pesticides) and supports our local farmers.  I will plan my weekly menu around what is available at the market. If you buy what is in season, you can save a lot on your grocery bill.  Also, once I get home from market and grocery store, I will cut and wash veggies and wash fruit so it is ready to eat! It makes making a healthy eating choice easier, if the veggies are already cut for me!

What are some of your fitness goals this year?
I would really like to complete a triathlon this year.

Besides your family/kids, what are other things that inspire or motivate you to put on your clothes and get moving?
It is so inspiring to see other moms out there working their tails off and promoting their lifestyle. I love Instagram/Facebook and Blogs that highlight strong women completing goals and being healthy. On Instagram, I participate in many exercise challenges that other’s post. I love to see and try different types of exercise it is a huge motivator for me.

If you have any questions for Lana please comment below or contact her!  She has a schedule of fitness classes/bootcamp classes so definitely message her if you live in the Midwest area!  You can find Lana's Instagram here:  She often posts workouts you can do at home that I find so helpful when I don't have time to head out to a gym.  If you're on Facebook, you can find Lana's page here:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: Teaching Kids How to Make Better Food Choices and Teaching Kids How to Navigate a Grocery Store

We are going to switch to mommy mode for a bit this week.  But still keeping in mind a healthy, fit life as usual.

I do not eat clean 100% of the time.  What I can say is that I do eat a lot cleaner than I ever used to.  A big part of why that is, is because I didn't know what eating clean meant and what the benefits of it were. I am a medical professional who completely ignored what I learned in school when it came to my own nutrition.  I will admit it (it happens when you get so busy taking care of others).  :)  Christelyn played a big part in influencing a lot of the food choices I make today and I have done a lot of research on 'clean eating' myself.  I had to learn how to fuel my body based on different factors: my body type, my training schedule, the time I had to make my food, etc. My point is that this is something I had to learn even with what I learned in school to get my degree.  Also, a lot of the information out there could be blanket statements that don't always work for everyone when you take into consideration your specific body type, amount of activity you do daily, cultural food preferences, etc.

I am in my 30's and no one really taught me how to eat right when I was younger.  The changes I made to my diet occurred within the last two years; it took almost three decades to figure it out.  I want to change this for the next generation and I know kids learn best by example which is a big reason why I switched things up as well.  But I want them to be more prepared and more aware than I was.  For example, for my kids, they now know WHY brown rice and wheat bread is a better choice than white rice and white bread.  They also know why I read the food labels on everything.  My youngest will make another food choice or check with me if he sees a food that is red.  We try not to do red dye (or artificial coloring) in our food.  He is six years old.  So proud of him.  I say that a bit jokingly but seriously, I never knew about any of this at his age.

It is a little challenging to try to explain what is a good food choice to our six year old sometimes.  And even more challenging to even younger kids.  I try to suggest they try to think about the ingredients in the food or try to read the food label.  If they see big strange words in the ingredients list on the label, it probably has preservatives and there might be better choices.  We encourage trying to keep things natural and unprocessed  vs. counting calories or fat content. We preach to them that if you are staying away from chemicals, artificial coloring and preservatives/additives then you are probably left with foods that mostly are fruits, vegetables, and protein which are foods we like to stick to.

Another thing we've been working on is navigating the big box grocery stores.  Sometimes I feel that the way that grocery stores are set up is a big marketing scheme.  Typically, everyone needs staples like protein or eggs or milk.  Time and time again, these items are located in the BACK of the store so that you have to go through looooong aisles of processed foods, greatly increasing the chance of you making an impulse buy of something not so healthy.  It's almost not fair.  And even more so for our kids who are oblivious to marketing schemes.  If we just try to make them aware of what is really going on, perhaps they will take this information with them later on in life when they have to go food shopping on their own for themselves or for their own families and make better food choices.

The next time you go to the grocery store, just keep this in mind and see if it is the same with your store.  What I tell my kids is that we try to (mostly) put in our cart, foods that are located around the perimeter of the store.  Typically, the pastas, chips, cereals, cookies, crackers, canned soups (aka the processed foods) are in the middle of the store.  Along the perimeter as you go around at my local store, there is the produce section, meat section, milk/eggs, etc.: non-processed foods.

Like I mentioned earlier, I don't eat 100% clean and neither do my kids.  But I can say that my kids will know how to make good food choices and know how to navigate a huge grocery store smartly, to make good decisions on what they choose.  It's not that we forbid them not to go down the cereal aisle but they are aware of how stores will try to trick people into purchasing certain things (putting sugary cereals at kid eye level.  Not fair I tell you!! lol).  Perhaps they will take this information into consideration in the future when they are on their own.  Will they choose to eat clean ALL the time?  Probably not.  But I am satisfied with the fact that they have the knowledge to make a good choice because I know that my husband and I have given them tools to do so.

My oldest kid is 15.  I cannot be with him 24/7.  He goes out with his friends and has to make food choices on his own.  He is used to eating pretty healthy here at home.  But there was this one time where he was out for the day and had fast food the entire day.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner.  He then told me that he felt gross and just "really greasy inside" when he came home.  He learned a good lesson that day.  If you don't make good food choices and you disrespect your body by eating overly processed foods, you are going to feel like crap.  I think something clicked in his mind that day and he hopefully has gotten a better idea of why we are all about choosing foods wisely.

We have a new Fit Mama of the Week coming up later this week!  We are so excited to share her story with you guys because she also will further discuss how her family tries to eat clean.  She has some great ideas to hopefully inspire and help you guys get started!  Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Setting My Goal to a Higher One: Fitness Mama's Ultimate Transformation Journey

By setting goals and smashing them, I have accomplished more in the last 1-2 years than I have in my ENTIRE LIFE! My weight loss journey has changed me not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.  I recall my very first goal was to lose at least 20 lbs. Throughout this journey, I've managed to complete that goal and even more.

I learned how to eat healthy and how to be more active.  I lost weight, gained confidence, and became the role model I always wanted to be for my girls. This journey also has allowed me to form great friendships that I'm truly thankful for.  I've (re)connected with friends, old and new, who show support in everything I do; they encourage and lift my spirits whenever I feel doubt in myself and they simply inspire me to do more on a daily basis.

It has been quite an experience so far. And although I have achieved so much more than I could ever imagined, I don't want to stop here. I have this fire within me that's constantly ignited and I'm always searching for new ways to better myself, my health, and help others. Last year, I set out to conquer my first full marathon at the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon last October. A big task for someone who couldn't run to save her life, but it didn't stop me. I chose running because it was something that was definitely out of my comfort zone. I knew it could improve my health. And no gym membership was required (just run outdoors).

 I also have always wanted to run for a great cause. So I did just that.  I joined Team in Training of the Greater Sacramento area and while I was training with a group I was able to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. I dedicated my marathon to all my beloved family members who passed away from this deadly disease. Other than my little girls, this is what kept me driven. Since then, I've explored other ways to stay active. I have tried CrossFit, some Bikram Yoga. And to take it up a notch, I got certified as a Hot Hula fitness & U-Jam fitness instructor! I never imagined I could ever become a fitness instructor. But this road has definitely taken me there.

Click here for my NWM 2012 Team in Training page

At my heaviest, I was close to 200 lbs at 5'1".  I've since lost about 60 lbs, but have reached a plateau. My eating habits have been somewhat consistently healthy. My workouts have dwindled down to Hot Hula when I teach twice a week and the occasional running. I still stay active by taking other forms of fitness classes here and there plus walking to and from my daughter's school and our hike a couple weeks ago. I figured in order to break through my plateau I had to reassess what I was doing and figure out ways I could get closer to reach my higher goals I have set for myself.  See this video below for more info:

I was inspired by our Fit Mamas of the Week who kept journals and diaries about their fitness journey. So much so that I decided that I would make video journals and share the videos with you all.  It took me awhile to get the courage to go forward with sharing this, but I felt it is important for me to be completely honest with you mamas.  I have witnessed such courage from a lot of your stories that I think it was time for me to take that step and give more back.

I started working with a personal trainer just last week to help me get past this plateau and reach that physique I've always wanted. I have been clean eating as well. I cut out all occasional snacks, desserts, and processed/high fat foods (ie: chips, ice cream, any take out, & filipino food including rice). I cut out salt, sugar (fruits limited to watermelon, cantaloupes, and berries), some diary, etc. I also added more vitamins to my daily regimen.

I will be taking you all on this journey with me hopefully to talk about my daily highs and lows and to show you what I'm doing for two reasons: to keep me accountable AND to perhaps inspire you and give you ideas on how to break through your own plateaus.  Stay tuned for more video updates!  We will have more posts here on the blog as well as on Instagram and Facebook about this too!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: What To Do When You Feel Like Quitting

Have you ever felt like you just couldn't run another step when you've planned to run three miles and you're only at half a mile?  Have you ever felt like there is no way you can get to the gym for the next three months because of a crazy schedule and so you just want to forget even trying to go?  Have you ever just thought about saying I CAN'T DO THIS whole eating clean and fitness thing FOREVER and so you want to quit?

It doesn't matter who you are, these questions go through EVERYONE'S minds.  It is a continual battle in your head no matter if you're just starting your fitness journey or if you've already made it your lifestyle for years.  Sometimes life can get overwhelming and there may be moments where quitting just seems to make the most sense.

The truth is that we all think about quitting (or postponing. or not giving your all. or skipping days and not being consistent.) often.  It is so tempting to quit because it is so easy; it's an immediate relief from the challenge that is making us uncomfortable.

But remember, when you quit, you lose out on feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.  You may never know that you were capable of hanging in there when it got tough.  When you quit, you may also be losing out on a goal or a dream.

With that said, sometimes quitting isn't always a bad thing; sometimes it's just what needed to happen.  Before you decide to quit though, it's important to first sort things out in your head before you make drastic decisions.  Ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I looking at this issue coming from an overly emotional place?  If the answer is yes, don't make any decisions just yet and give yourself time to get stable before you decide on the finality of quitting.
2. Why do I want to quit?  Do I like this reason?  Does it make sense or does it support my goals?
3. Will quitting help me get more of what I want?  Or less?
4. If I do quit, how will I feel next week?  In one month?  In a year?

We all may stumble and get off track every now and then.  Don't turn this into a slippery slope and quit completely though.  It's important to stay positive and to push those negative thoughts out.  Here are some steps to help you get back on track.  {We saw some of this on a random meme that I can't find anymore so some of these you may have seen before!}

Do This:
Think about your recent choices.  What has gotten you off track and how can you change it?
Find new motivation.  Make a motivation board or journal to remind yourself of your goals.  Update often.  {Are you following us on Pinterest btw?}
Make a plan
Try a new type of workout.  HAVE FUN.
Drink A LOT of water.  All day.
Chart your progress.  This is one thing that a lot of our Fit Mamas of the Week have in common; they keep journals to chart progress.  And progress doesn't have to mean just the numbers on the scale getting smaller.

Don't Do This:
Be mad at yourself.  We've all been there; shake it off and get back to it
Forget to make your workouts fun
Ignore the big picture.  It's not all about that scale.
Repeat the same mistakes
Set unrealistic goals
Forget how far you've come
Give up

Monday, September 9, 2013


Get inspired.  Be inspired.  Inspire others. 
Pin it.  Share it.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fit Mama of the Week: Harmony

Patience and perseverance got our newest Fit Mama of the Week from being a couch potato to running marathons and being a fitness instructor.  She is definitely an inspiration to all women as she has managed to get out of the rut of being inactive and has made being healthy and fit her lifestyle.  All it took was finding a way to workout AND have fun at the same time.  She found her spark in a dance fitness class which led to bigger fitness goals and the rest is history.  She has since gone down nine dress sizes and is now actually teaching fitness classes as a certified instructor!

Name/Age/Marital Status/Occupation
Harmony.  I'm 32 years old.  I'm currently single, waiting to find "Mr. Right".   I work for an acute care psychiatric hospital doing creative and recreational therapy with patients. I also teach group exercise classes for 24 Hour Fitness.

Have you always been into fitness? 
I haven't always been into fitness, in fact there were MANY YEARS where I was a hopeless couch potato and VERY overweight. I wasn't happy at all living like that, but try as I might to lose weight I never got very far. 

Pictures from the past:

It took finally pushing past my fears & going to my very first group exercise dance class to see a difference. During that class I unexpectedly fell in love. Don't get me wrong, I felt like I was DYING after the first 2 minutes! However, I was having a blast. I knew this was something I NEEDED, and, most importantly, something I could stick with. Who knew gyms had anything so FUN?!! It was then that things began to click into place for me and FINALLY change for the better. Since that first class, I have lost over 100lbs and 9 dress sizes.


What motivated you initially, to start getting fit?
I was so damn tired of being overweight! I was uncomfortable in my own skin for so long. I tried the gym and machines, but wasn't getting results. Then I tried personal training and that started to make a difference but I couldn't afford to keep up with it, plus it just wasn't very fun, so I'd end up often "rescheduling." I had always loved to dance, however. One of my friends said she'd tried a Zumba class and had fun. She invited me to go and the rest is history!

It sounds like it took finding something you really loved to do to really get you motivated to work out. Did you try a lot of different activities before you took this class?
I had previously spent my "workout" time toiling away on treadmills, bikes, stair masters, and ellipticals, and HATED every minute of it. I made every excuse in the book why I couldn't go work out. Now, however, I found myself doing the complete opposite, making "excuses" to actually MAKE IT to the gym! I was having so much fun.

That class was one of the reasons why I decided to become a group exercise instructor. I felt like I would enjoy teaching and enjoy sharing this wonderful group x experience with others. I was ready for another challenge, and ready to take the next step in my fitness journey so I started my first instructor training in Nov. 2010 then became certified in Dec. 2010. I taught my first class on Dec. 20, 2010.

What else motivates you to want to continue to work out regularly and consistently?
Evenutally, I began FEELING the difference in my body, in my stamina and my overall health; this highly motivated me to continue on. I didn't want to go back to feeling like a couch potatoe with no hope that the future would be different. I began SEEING the difference in not only pounds lost, but major inches as well. The changes I was experiencing made me realize that I really was not in a good place before and I didn't want to go back there. This motivates me to keep going.

I still remember being overweight and incredibly unhappy with my appearance. For years I avoided mirrors and my reflection like the plague. I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE IT. Now however, as my body was changing, there was a point where that began to change. I actually found myself looking forward to seeing my reflection and even at times doing a double-take! I was so used to the old reflection, the new one took some getting used to!

Did nutrition play a part in your road to getting fit and healthy?
Now that I was working hard to change my body, it helped reinforce the need to eat right as well. I changed my diet. I removed most simple sugars (candy, cakes, cookies, soda, etc) from my diet. This made a HUGE difference.  

I also ate more low fat and fat free foods, more whole fruits and grains (though limited my grains to smaller portions), and more salads (low fat, low calorie dressings too. There ARE great tasting ones out there, so you don't have to sacrifice taste!).  

I also focused on high protein, lean foods. I found myself to be far more satisfied, with less and for a longer period of time with the higher protein diet. Also tried to eliminate as much processed foods as possible. When you're limiting caloric intake, whatever you do eat HAS to be high in nutrients and value to make up for all that you're no longer eating that your body was used to. This meant for me some meal replacement shakes (high protein, low carb & calorie, but also high in vitamins and minerals) as well as the addition of good vitamin nutrition supplements. I am a distributor for a fantastic company with the best and highest quality products. If people are interested in information on products they're welcome to contact me, either through Facebook or email (

A big key though was first increasing my water intake. I found that often when I thought I was hungry, I was actually THIRSTY! This amazed me. Also I decreased my portions and increased the frequency with which I ate. This means I would eat small meals (approx 200-300 calories, depending on my total daily calorie goal) every 2-3 hours so that I had 6 "meals" a day. This kept my metabolism burning by giving my body constant fuel, But never more than it was going to burn, In fact, I had to make sure there was a deficit. There HAS to be less coming in than going out, or else you won't see changes! So yes, I FINALLY caved to actually using calorie counting, despite having avoided it for years. It REALLY DOES WORK. It's a pain at first, but then you train yourself and get to know what you can and shouldn't eat, what to buy and what NOT to buy, so that it becomes much easier later and you don't have to be as strict. But being very strict at first makes an immense difference. Those calories sure add up fast if you're not paying attention!!

What are your future fitness goals?
This coming weekend, in fact, I'm attending a training for a different format so I can begin teaching that. The following weekend I'll be filming my video for another format that I hope to start teaching soon. Besides adding formats, I also am continually working to improve and become a better instructor, which includes continually working toward being stronger and more fit (though being understanding when life gets in the way and I backslide...but being sure always to keep that goal in mind, to get back up and to keep going). My other big goal now is to someday complete a triathlon.

I have Tough Mudder at the end of September, which I'm looking forward to running, as well as a 5k, which is exciting and means a lot because I'll be running it with my dad. He's recently been inspired to get in better shape and has taken up running among other things. This will will be his first ever race! I'm super excited for him and that we get to do this together!

Harmony with her dad
Congratulations Harmony on your continued success!  Good luck in your future races and endeavors as a fitness instructor.  

You can catch Harmony and take one of her classes at 24 Hour Fitness Laguna during the following times: Sundays @ 9am, Mondays & Wednesdays at 5:30pm.  Email for more information!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: Mission Peak Hike

If you have been following us on Facebook (Fitness Mama FB page), then you know that Christelyn had organized our very first Fitness Mama event!  Our first gathering was a hike up Mission Peak in Fremont, CA.  After weeks of preparation and lots of questions back and forth on our FB event page, the day had finally arrived.

When we first decided to make this our first event, there was not a lot of information online about the Mission Peak Hike.  A lot of the info we had to go by were second hand accounts from friends who had previously hiked it before.   We gathered a TON of information in order to make this event successful.  I wanted to put all this information below out there so that if you guys decide to make this hike yourselves on your own, you have a little bit more information than what we initially had.

Bottom line is that it is a FUN hike to do with friends!  I personally had a great time while getting an awesome workout in.  Lots of laughs and good memories were had by all and by the accounts of it, we all were sore the next day.

But why were we so sore you ask?

The Mission Peak hike is no easy task, that's why!

There are several trails to take to get up to the summit of Mission Peak.  The two most popular trails are the Hidden Valley/Peak Meadow Trails (better known as the Stanford Ave. Trail) and the Peak Trail (better known as the Ohlone College Trail).  In our research, we learned that there are major differences in the trails that can be viewed as pros or cons depending on your mood or the kind of workout you want to have that day:

Stanford Ave. Trail:
-beautiful sweeping views of the Bay for almost the entire hike as this trail goes along the side of the peak that faces the Bay
-trail is steep and difficult BUT...
-this trail is shorter than the Ohlone Collage trail (5.5 miles roundtrip)
-can get crowded on the weekends/holidays
-very minimal parking (we were told that there were only a handful of designated parking spots and then you have to park in the surrounding neighborhoods if those were taken)
-little to no shade depending on time of day

Ohlone Collage Trail:
-this trail goes along the the side of the peak that faces Sunol Valley.  Although beautiful, you will not see the Bay for most of the trail...mainly not until the last mile before the summit.  This trail is very scenic with lots of green, rolling hills meeting the crisp blue skies.
-trail is longer than the Stanford Ave. trail (about a 10k roundtrip) BUT...
-this trail is not as steep the ENTIRE time.  Do not be fooled though...there are some VERY steep parts.
-less crowded
-parking will never be a problem because you have the whole Ohlone college parking lot available to you.  Parking is $2; day permits are available at the yellow boxes.

Weighing the pros and cons, it was decided that for this event, we would take the Ohlone College trail mainly because we didn't want to put our big group of people in a bad mood, looking for parking at the crack of dawn.  We also wanted to make meeting up and finding everyone in our big group easy and we felt that a designated parking lot at the college would help do this.  Our hike was planned on a Saturday during Labor Day weekend so we also did not want to compete with crowds on the trails for parking.

We all met up at 7am and completed introductions.  This part was so exciting to me because I finally got to meet some of you guys in person!  I finally got to meet one of our past Fit Mamas of the Week, Anne Marie.  Putting faces to names and hearing real live voices that go with the faces was fun.  I already knew I liked y'all but now I like y'all even MORE in person.

 So then we played some music and did some stretches.  Sunscreen was applied to all and we were off.

Btw, there was one port-o-potty here that was not on the parking lot but sort of near by, away from the trail.  I recommend just going before you leave the house.  I didn't see any water fountains.  Bring water!

The Ohlone college trail is just a few steps from the parking lot.  If you start early enough, the first mile or so is mostly shaded.  The incline starts immediately and you will start sweating...immediately.  :)

This was in front of the cave that everyone talks about.  I thought it'd be bigger but it I can't even get into it standing up.  You can find this on going up the Ohlone college trail on your left side within the first half mile.  See what I mean by everything being fully shaded early on?  On our way back down there was zero shade at this part=SUPER HOT.


I'm looking at these above picture now and find it funny how we're all looking fresh and clean with tons of energy to take pictures with silly poses.  It was a different story further along the trail.  ;)

Even though we started off early in the day, it got HOT real QUICK.  I wore a tank top which was good but I wish I had worn shorts instead of capri's so that I could stay cooler.  There is about .75 mile area of the trail where it was shaded because of tree growth so that part of the trail was a chance to cool down, especially later on in the day going back down.

The above picture shows the shaded part of the trail.  We are still going uphill but its sooo nice to have this shade on a hot day.  

Most of the trail looked like this with no shade...

This above picture was taken at a point in the trail where our Ohlone college trail meets up with the Stanford Ave. trail.  Both trails will go up the last part of the trail to the summit on the same road.  There is also a bathroom here at this intersection.  Not the cleanest bathroom with no plumbing so just be aware.  I also did not see a water fountain either.  There was one picnic table nearby too.  

Ran into some friends from middle school/high school.  #chipmanmiddleschool #cougarpride #westsidealameda #encinaljets

So if this picture panned out to the right a bit more, you'd see the intersection of the trails and the little bathroom
Right after the intersection, you head up to the last part of the ascent before you reach the summit.  This last part was tricky and a bit more challenging than the rest of the trail.  As you can see from the above picture, it is really steep.  The road has a lot of loose little rocks and gravel in this area.  I did not have on shoes specifically for hiking but I think I did ok with the shoes I had on.  There were times where I felt like I was slipping but always caught myself before I did a face plant.  I also learned that going faster uphill kept me from slipping backwards.  But going fast uphill was HARD.  

It's funny all the things you learn about one another on a three hour hike.  These ladies started out as strangers to me but I feel like I found friends for life by the end of the hike.  <3

Christelyn is the type of person who makes friends EVERYWHERE she goes and of course today was no different.  We met Suzy along the trail and learned that she was training for half dome!  She had done the Mission Peak hike every weekend (sometimes twice in one weekend) since like June!   She'll be doing Half Dome in the Fall.  Now I want to do Half Dome.  So inspiring.

The last quarter mile was ROUGH.  I was tired.  I was hot.  I was hungry.  And the trail got steeper and steeper.  But before I knew it I was there.  That famous Mission Peak monument pole was right in front of us.  We were so excited we took maybe 2 or 3 pictures.  Ok maybe a couple hundred pictures but who's counting?

Remember how I said it could get crowded on the weekends?  Along the trail, we ran into maybe a handful of people.  But when we reached the summit there were a TON of people (which leads me to believe that everyone took the Stanford ave Trail).  The girls are actually in line to take pictures by the monument pole behind them.  There were so many people that there was a line!  

After a few snacks and a water break we headed back down after not too long because we were nearing midday and wanted to get off the trail before it got way too hot.  We were warned of rattle snakes and mountain lions but the only animals we saw were cows.  They were every where including ON the trail.  There was one point where a mama cow had two little (like little little!) calves following her and anytime we took a step forward mama cow would holler and scream because she thought her babies were in danger.  :(  So beware of angry cows!  We took a slight detour off the trail to move forward and to make mama cow feel at ease.  

Going back down was almost as hard as going up because a declining trail and gravel are not a good mix.  It was difficult to get secure footing at times. We took turns slipping and catching ourselves.  Real hiking boots probably would've solved this problem.  

Other tips and tricks: 
-Bring water.  It's a pain carrying water or carrying a backpack with water but it'll be a bigger pain if you pass out from dehydration.  Don't underestimate this hike.
-Apply sunscreen before your hike then bring it with you to re-apply.
-Bring sunglasses and a visor or hat for extra sun protection.
-Pack some snacks to eat while you're enjoying the view from the top.
-If the sun is out, wear shorts and a tank top.  Even if the sun is out and you're feeling chilly at the me...shorts and tank top is the way to go.
-Start early.
-Leave some baby wipes in the car.  As I've mentioned, I didn't see any plumbing/running water/water fountains.  Baby wipes were so useful to get cleaned up before driving home.  You will be covered in dust from the trail.  

Like I said, it took us a little less than three hours to complete this trail.  This is with stopping to take pictures, using the bathroom, enjoying views periodically, and having a snack at the top.  Oh and our little detour for the anxious mama cow probably added to our time too.