Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: What To Do When You Feel Like Quitting

Have you ever felt like you just couldn't run another step when you've planned to run three miles and you're only at half a mile?  Have you ever felt like there is no way you can get to the gym for the next three months because of a crazy schedule and so you just want to forget even trying to go?  Have you ever just thought about saying I CAN'T DO THIS whole eating clean and fitness thing FOREVER and so you want to quit?

It doesn't matter who you are, these questions go through EVERYONE'S minds.  It is a continual battle in your head no matter if you're just starting your fitness journey or if you've already made it your lifestyle for years.  Sometimes life can get overwhelming and there may be moments where quitting just seems to make the most sense.

The truth is that we all think about quitting (or postponing. or not giving your all. or skipping days and not being consistent.) often.  It is so tempting to quit because it is so easy; it's an immediate relief from the challenge that is making us uncomfortable.

But remember, when you quit, you lose out on feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.  You may never know that you were capable of hanging in there when it got tough.  When you quit, you may also be losing out on a goal or a dream.

With that said, sometimes quitting isn't always a bad thing; sometimes it's just what needed to happen.  Before you decide to quit though, it's important to first sort things out in your head before you make drastic decisions.  Ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I looking at this issue coming from an overly emotional place?  If the answer is yes, don't make any decisions just yet and give yourself time to get stable before you decide on the finality of quitting.
2. Why do I want to quit?  Do I like this reason?  Does it make sense or does it support my goals?
3. Will quitting help me get more of what I want?  Or less?
4. If I do quit, how will I feel next week?  In one month?  In a year?

We all may stumble and get off track every now and then.  Don't turn this into a slippery slope and quit completely though.  It's important to stay positive and to push those negative thoughts out.  Here are some steps to help you get back on track.  {We saw some of this on a random meme that I can't find anymore so some of these you may have seen before!}

Do This:
Think about your recent choices.  What has gotten you off track and how can you change it?
Find new motivation.  Make a motivation board or journal to remind yourself of your goals.  Update often.  {Are you following us on Pinterest btw?}
Make a plan
Try a new type of workout.  HAVE FUN.
Drink A LOT of water.  All day.
Chart your progress.  This is one thing that a lot of our Fit Mamas of the Week have in common; they keep journals to chart progress.  And progress doesn't have to mean just the numbers on the scale getting smaller.

Don't Do This:
Be mad at yourself.  We've all been there; shake it off and get back to it
Forget to make your workouts fun
Ignore the big picture.  It's not all about that scale.
Repeat the same mistakes
Set unrealistic goals
Forget how far you've come
Give up

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