Sunday, September 15, 2013

Setting My Goal to a Higher One: Fitness Mama's Ultimate Transformation Journey

By setting goals and smashing them, I have accomplished more in the last 1-2 years than I have in my ENTIRE LIFE! My weight loss journey has changed me not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.  I recall my very first goal was to lose at least 20 lbs. Throughout this journey, I've managed to complete that goal and even more.

I learned how to eat healthy and how to be more active.  I lost weight, gained confidence, and became the role model I always wanted to be for my girls. This journey also has allowed me to form great friendships that I'm truly thankful for.  I've (re)connected with friends, old and new, who show support in everything I do; they encourage and lift my spirits whenever I feel doubt in myself and they simply inspire me to do more on a daily basis.

It has been quite an experience so far. And although I have achieved so much more than I could ever imagined, I don't want to stop here. I have this fire within me that's constantly ignited and I'm always searching for new ways to better myself, my health, and help others. Last year, I set out to conquer my first full marathon at the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon last October. A big task for someone who couldn't run to save her life, but it didn't stop me. I chose running because it was something that was definitely out of my comfort zone. I knew it could improve my health. And no gym membership was required (just run outdoors).

 I also have always wanted to run for a great cause. So I did just that.  I joined Team in Training of the Greater Sacramento area and while I was training with a group I was able to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. I dedicated my marathon to all my beloved family members who passed away from this deadly disease. Other than my little girls, this is what kept me driven. Since then, I've explored other ways to stay active. I have tried CrossFit, some Bikram Yoga. And to take it up a notch, I got certified as a Hot Hula fitness & U-Jam fitness instructor! I never imagined I could ever become a fitness instructor. But this road has definitely taken me there.

Click here for my NWM 2012 Team in Training page

At my heaviest, I was close to 200 lbs at 5'1".  I've since lost about 60 lbs, but have reached a plateau. My eating habits have been somewhat consistently healthy. My workouts have dwindled down to Hot Hula when I teach twice a week and the occasional running. I still stay active by taking other forms of fitness classes here and there plus walking to and from my daughter's school and our hike a couple weeks ago. I figured in order to break through my plateau I had to reassess what I was doing and figure out ways I could get closer to reach my higher goals I have set for myself.  See this video below for more info:

I was inspired by our Fit Mamas of the Week who kept journals and diaries about their fitness journey. So much so that I decided that I would make video journals and share the videos with you all.  It took me awhile to get the courage to go forward with sharing this, but I felt it is important for me to be completely honest with you mamas.  I have witnessed such courage from a lot of your stories that I think it was time for me to take that step and give more back.

I started working with a personal trainer just last week to help me get past this plateau and reach that physique I've always wanted. I have been clean eating as well. I cut out all occasional snacks, desserts, and processed/high fat foods (ie: chips, ice cream, any take out, & filipino food including rice). I cut out salt, sugar (fruits limited to watermelon, cantaloupes, and berries), some diary, etc. I also added more vitamins to my daily regimen.

I will be taking you all on this journey with me hopefully to talk about my daily highs and lows and to show you what I'm doing for two reasons: to keep me accountable AND to perhaps inspire you and give you ideas on how to break through your own plateaus.  Stay tuned for more video updates!  We will have more posts here on the blog as well as on Instagram and Facebook about this too!

1 comment:

  1. Christelyn,

    I wish you all the luck! Thanks for sharing your journey via video blog.
