Monday, July 8, 2013

What's For Dinner?

Do you have a kid who is a picky eater?  My kid has got to be the pickiest kid I've ever known.  But this meal below is one of a handful of meals I know he will eat for sure.  No inspecting of the food.  No sniffing at it first.  No tiny bites at a time so that it takes forever for him to finish.  He just gobbles it up happily.

A scoop of brown rice, organic tomatoes, cucumbers and a healthy version of chicken katsu (not fried).  It's easy to prepare for a weeknight dinner plus it's healthy and filling!

What do you feed YOUR kiddies?  Post in the comments below, your healthy, kid friendly go to weeknight meals for me to try on my kids!


  1. I full an ice tray up with sliced green apples, carrots, hummus, rolled turkey slices, whole grain crackers and cereal. She thinks it's so cool, and eats everything!

    1. Wellariel-that is such a great idea!! Next time you do this, can you take a picture and we'll share it with the Fitness Mama community?
