Wednesday, July 31, 2013

#GetItGirl Wednesdays: Staying Hydrated, Mermaid Run, & More Workout Mixes

Last week we posted the very first Fitness Mama workout mix.  If you didn't catch it, click here to check it out!  We got tons of positive feedback with requests to make more workout mixes available and so we definitely will make this a regular thing for you mamas.  A lot of people were asking for 80's or 90's stuff.  Who's ready for some TLC??  #babybabybaby #whataboutyourfriends

Have you guys signed up for the Mermaid Run yet?  Have you started training?  Just in case you missed our announcement, Fitness Mama and Team Get it Girl will be at this event!  We'd love to see all of your gorgeous faces in person and this would be a great opportunity to meet you guys.  It would be like a big party except we'll be downing Zico's and Gatorade instead of lemon drops.  So train like a beast and celebrate your accomplishment at a great women's run.

The Details...
What: Mermaid Series run.  Sirena 10mile.  10k. 5k. 
(Team GIG will be running the 10 mile which will take us over the Golden Gate Bridge!)
Where: San Francisco
When: November 10th 2013
Time: start times depend on which race you choose to run.  Sirena 10 mile starts at 7am.
Price: Please check the Mermaid Series site for the prices; it really depends on which race you do and if you sign up earlier, the prices are discounted

This race has sold out the last three years so don't wait too long and miss out!

Last weekend I had another long training run and it was SO discouraging.  I just felt super tired and my legs felt so heavy.  It was one of those days when I just felt like I could not go any faster no matter how much I pushed.  

So when this happens, I try to go over WHY did this happen.  Did I not get enough sleep?  Was I not getting enough of the right nutrition?  Should I have stretched more?  This time around, I think that the reason was that I probably didn't get enough hydration.

We all know how water is so important to getting/staying fit and healthy.  Water is so necessary for our bodies to function properly and I think that's why I was feeling so tired and my legs were cramping up during my long run.  Our bodies are about 75% water and water is used in just about every bodily function from transporting oxygen to those muscles to regulating body temps to breathing.  I had my water belt with me during the run but of course this isn't going to fix the fact that I hadn't been regularly drinking enough water in the days leading up to this run to prepare me.  

Drinking water has definitely not been easy for me.  In fact it is just one of those things I find SO challenging and I'm immediately impressed when someone tells me they drink upwards of a gallon of water daily (Hi Anne Marie!  lol).  For most of my twenties and early thirties all I drank was soda.  I now realize how very wrong this was.  We always had soda in the fridge.  I cringe when I think about how I drank soda (ex-Dr. Pepper addict right here) with breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It was just that I didn't find water very refreshing. In fact I would sometimes gag when I drank water and then chase the water down with soda!  #smh

So this is just a friendly reminder to keep that soda out of the house.  You and the kids will be less likely to reach for it if it's not there.  When I don't crave water, I find it harder to reach my goal in drinking a certain amount everyday.  Here are some things I do to help me reach that goal...

-add cut up fruit (strawberries, kiwis, etc.), citrus fruit or mint to flavor the water.  Sometimes I get so busy that I cannot be bothered to cut up fruit just to drink water.  This is why I always have grapes washed and ready to go in the fridge.  I just grab 2-3 grapes and then chase it down with water.  So refreshing!

-add lots of ice.  Sometimes crunching on the ice helps with that gagging sensation I get when I don't want anymore water but I know I should be drinking more. You can also make citrus fruit flavored ice by squeezing lemon/grapefruit/orange/lime/etc. juice in the water in your ice trays. 

-drink tea!  Iced or hot.  It's water!

-keeping water icy cold.  Sometimes I cannot stand room temp water.  When I remember to, I keep half filled water bottles in the freezer.  When I'm ready to leave the house, I add water to this bottle and it stays cold for hours. 

-keep a routine.  Pick an activity or activities that you can link with drinking some water.  Drink water when you first get into the office.  Or when you get a chance to sit during the day.  Or every time you change the baby's diaper.  Or every time you have to go to the kitchen.  

Do you have other ways to help me reach my goal of drinking more water?  Do you have other ideas to help remind yourself to drink more water?  Please share them with me!!  

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