Friday, July 19, 2013

Fit Mama of The Week: Delanie

Our newest Fit Mama of The Week is....Delanie!

We found Delanie's story so inspiring that we wanted to share it with you guys.

Name and Age?
Delanie Balanay and I'm 23 years old.

What's your ethnicity?
I'm Filipino

What do you do?
I work as a Service Rep at 24hr Fitness

Have you always been into fitness?  If not, why did you start?
I was never into fitness from the get go at all.  I was entirely lazy, unmotivated, and I simply felt all around hopeless.

The reason why I started was because before May 2012, I was overweight for my height and shape being 5'1".  I was always constantly snacking day and night on foods that did absolutely nothing beneficial to my body.  I have always been unhappy with the way I looked and I told myself that I definitely needed to make a miraculous change this year in my lifestyle and my body.  Improving my overall health was one of those main aspects I wanted to change.  I would look at many strong, independent and physically fit women on television and I would wish I could look like that and that was when I have decided wholeheartedly that now is the time to push myself physically and mentally.  

On May 21, 2012, I started the 60 day Insanity Challenge and don't get me wrong, that type of workout is extremely hard and too fast-paced for someone like me who was at 155 lbs at the time but I had decided to make that commitment during that summer to consistently stick with this program.  After I had done 2 rounds of Insanity, I lost a total of 25 lbs and then I began P90X for 2 rounds. I also started getting into doing protein shakes because my eating habits were terrible and I just needed a special boost that will enhance my metabolism, increase my stamina, lose weight, build lean muscle, and most importantly to keep me full and satisfied for a good 2-3 hours before my next snack or meal.  With P90X and changing my eating habits, I lost about 12-14 pounds. I am now trying out Chalean Extreme to help me burn fat and gain leaner muscle so that I look more leaner and toned than when I did the other Beachbody programs.  Altogether I lost 40 lbs and I went from 155 lbs to 115 lbs and dropped 6-7 pant sizes from a 9 to a size 2-3. 

 I am without a doubt, completely proud to have worked so hard mentally and physically for the most part in losing all that weight I've had for years and building a leaner physique.  I have been a fitness junkie ever since I started my weight loss journey and transformation.  I am now looking towards Hot Hula Fitness as one of the best cardio and strength training workouts you can ever get from this new, hot, and exciting workout.

How do you stay motivated?
 How I stayed motivated is I would constantly remind myself each and every day that I still have fitness goals that I’m still working on to accomplish.  I also tell myself why I have decided to commit to this new and healthier lifestyle in the first place.  I also picture individuals that I know personally who are still struggling with their weight as well as balancing other priorities in life and I use them as my motivation to continue forward.  

Also as I've mentioned above, I tried different programs and ways to workout; this also helped keep me motivated by switching it up and not getting bored with one workout.  Whenever I picked a program or workout schedule, I stuck with it through to the end no matter how difficult it felt; I follow through with it religiously to the end.  Once I was done with a challenge or a round, I would re-evaluate and choose what to conquer next.  I do recommend trying different workouts for people because it really all goes down to what their fitness goals are whether they want to lose weight, build muscle or just to help them stay active throughout the day.  

How do you balance work, family and staying fit?
How I balance life with work, family and staying fit is I plan ahead a day or two in advance on what I’ll be doing throughout the whole day whether it is waking up early to workout, do the laundry, make myself breakfast and lunch, and other house-related chores.  As for work, I would purposely request to work any time after 9 am so that I can workout in the mornings, around 6 am, before I get ready to go to work.  And when it comes to my family, I try whatever I can to put them first in my list of priorities by spending as much time with them as I can whenever I have free time from work and from my daily exercise routine.

Share with us what you would eat on a typical day.
What I typically eat on a regular basis is for breakfast I drink my daily protein shake before I workout and afterwards I eat either an apple or banana usually as my snack.  For lunch I would eat oatmeal with fruit, nuts, and sometimes I add agave nectar or peanut butter for more flavor and a side of greek yogurt. For my second snack I would eat a cup of cottage cheese with a small slice of wheat bread not toasted. As for dinner, I try not to eat as much since that is the last meal that will stick with you for a little while longer you're sleeping so I just eat a salad with a bunch of chopped fruit, nuts, and veggies all around and that is what I call a typical day's worth of food I'd normally put in my body. I always remember to eat every 2 and a half to 3 hours so that my body does not starve itself and I stop eating altogether at either 7pm or 8pm so that my food and water consumption will be able to digest throughout the night because when you eat late at night, you will definitely pack up the pounds!

What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?
A few healthy snacks I normally would have are granola bars, nonfat greek yogurt, an apple or banana or sometimes I might munch on some veggie chips.  

What are some of you fitness goals for this year?
The only fitness goals I have for this year is to maintain my weight and to tone my core in hopes of succeeding in getting a 4 pack.  

Who or what is your biggest inspiration when it comes to getting healthy and staying fit?
My biggest inspiration is the one and only famous Jillian Michaels.  The reason is every time I watch her on TV explaining what she does on a daily basis to keep herself active and in shape, I could only wish I was that committed to do what she does. When I look at her amazing figure, I just hope that one day I could have a super-strong and toned body just like her or maybe even better but for now I will continue what I am doing for myself and I hope that one day I will look at myself in the mirror and be completely satisfied and proud with what I see.  


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