Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Get It Girl Wednesday: Why Do You Exercise?

I've hated exercise for a big chunk of my life.  But then I grew to LOVE it.  How did this happen?  I think it is because I changed my attitude about it.

I was the girl who rarely ran in PE at school; I usually walked and got a 15 minute mile.  I hated playing all the team sports we did.  I wanted to die during the quarter we did swimming and I came up with a lot of excuses as to why I couldn't get in the water; I even made fake notes to the teacher.  I did get a varsity letter for playing tennis.  But there were no try outs, everyone made the team.  I really only did tennis because I wanted to be with my friends.

I also did cheerleading for a bit.  This was HARD but it was fun.  I didn't consider it exercise.  This should have clued me in on something good but it didn't.  I continued to hate exercise through my 20's.  I did Polynesian dance for about 5 years with a prominent bay area dance company.  Again, this kept me active and the dances were very challenging but because I LOVED doing it, it didn't click as a form of exercise in my brain.

I quit dance, and then gained weight.  And because I no longer was dancing, I couldn't figure out how to keep the weight off.  I hated the gym, hated exercise videos...but I did these things while hating every single minute of it.  So it was no surprise that I couldn't get anything consistent going even though I wanted to keep the weight off.

My sister who is a runner, suggested that I run.  I was very skeptical because remember I hated to run in high school and I couldn't imagine anything more deplorable than running.  But I gave it a shot and yup....I still hated it.  But I saw my sister having so much fun with her friends at all these runs that they do.  So again, the social aspect of this activity made me want to figure out why all these people like running so much.  I continued to force myself to go running and after a few weeks, I found that I was actually looking forward to my runs!

It became fun.  It suddenly didn't feel like "work".  After a stressful day at work, I couldn't wait to tie up my laces, get out there and just run the lake near my house.  Sweeping views of the water and then the California sun going down behind the hills...there is nothing more beautiful.  It is the kind of moment when you thank your lucky stars to be alive to be able to witness the beauty and you say a little prayer.  And oh yeah...I was running!  I lose myself in my thoughts that I don't even realize I'm exercising.

Running helps me keep the weight off.  But ultimately, that is not why I run.  I don't run so that I can rock a bikini. I think if that was my only reason, I would have stopped a long time ago because at my age there just aren't a lot of opportunities to even wear a bikini!  I'm just keeping it REAL.  And we don't have a pool.  I don't run because of how it makes me look or to break any world records.  I run because of how it makes me feel.  Calm.  Centered.  Happy.  Focused.  Empowered.  Relaxed.  Balanced.  You know that peaceful feeling you get after going to Sunday church?  That is exactly how I feel after I run.

I do not look like a fitness/figure competitor and I don't think I ever will because I have zero desire to.  I don't train that way and I don't live that way.  And you know what?  That's ok. Because I do know that even though I don't look like a figure competitor, I do look healthy.

Exercise doesn't have to be an all or nothing deal.  I think that if you just get moving and do something you LIKE to do, then you will have a better chance of sticking with a plan to reach your fitness goals.  It doesn't have to be running.  Try a dance class.  Ride a bike.  Swim.  Martial arts.  Find something that you find fun and enjoyable while getting your body moving.  The answer isn't going to be the same for everyone.  Just do you.  That is the key.

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