Wednesday, February 19, 2014

GIG Wednesday- See Jane Run Ambassador

Yesterday, I received this email and I was ecstatic!!!
It's been a long, but wonderful journey so far.  I can't help but think of where I stand today versus where I stood just about 2 years ago. I was at my lowest point in my life: overweight, fearful of losing our first home just weeks after purchasing it because I lost my job, stressed, depressed, lost, and confused. I had no idea how my family and I were going to make it. I remember comforting myself with food even more so during this time. I felt that food was the only thing I could control. It wasn't before long that my unhealthy habits took a toll on me and I started having health issues. Junk food + Sedentary lifestyle not a great combination. I was bound to have health issues. I paved myself this road. Now, I was paving that same road for my two little girls. I FINALLY took charge and made drastic changes to our lifestyle to improve our health. I started with the foods we were eating. I eliminated all junk food, processed food, and anything with tons of sugars and fats! I slowly filled our fridge with fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. I used my resources and learned how to eat healthy. Then, started incorporating physical activity. I talked my husband into trying the Insanity program with me. That lasted a couple weeks. Since we didn't own a gym membership, we did our activities outdoors. It started with walks around the block, then walks to the park, next walks to the grocery store. Each walk we traveled a bit further. My goals at this time were being met by simply changing our eating habits and exercising. Then, I thought I would set a bigger goal. To do the very thing that I hated the most- RUNNING. 

Mind you, I couldn't run to save my life or if you paid me a million dollars. Of course, I would at least try if I were in these situations.  But, the sad fact is the outcome wouldn't be in my favor. I had a crazy idea that I would sign up for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. From no form of physical activity to wanting to complete a marathon was insane! So, I took it a step further and signed up for the FULL 26.2 miles!
Read the full blog on how I got started here.

Each step I've taken so far has brought me to where I was need be. All the steps I've taken has led me here as an Ambassador of See Jane Run. I am truly honored for this opportunity! Running has made a HUGE impact on my life. I would've never thought in a million years I would be where I am today. It's been a crazy ride for this mama! I can't wait to see what else is in store. Thank you SJR!

I have an incredible SJR giveaway in store for all you mama's out there! So, stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

Behind every face, there's a story. Behind every triumph, a struggle. 

I've struggled practically my whole life with weight, even before children. And to be quite honest, I still find myself struggling now. I have good days and bad days just like everyone else. But what I do now that I didn't do back then is NOT give up. I use to be easily convinced that my failures define me. But not anymore! I define me. 

"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.” – Mary Kay Ash

Monday, February 10, 2014

BE FIT Workouts!

Are you too busy to hit the gym? Or maybe you don't own a gym membership? Well, here's a workout you can do at the park or at home! Get your workout in before you start your weekend! I promise you'll feel better that you did  Enjoy mamas! ;)
#fitnessmama #getitgirl 

Bring It On Workout! 50 Jumping Jacks 20 Lunges 5 Push ups 20 Sit ups 25 Mountain Climbers 30 Sec plank 8 Burpees Repeat 3-4 rounds

Box jumps can be performed on a box, small ledge, high curb, park bench, stadium bleachers, or just about any stable platform you find comfortable height. Box jump technique: 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, at a comfortable distance from the box. 2. When you're ready to jump, drop quickly into a quarter squat, then extend your hips, swing your arms, & push your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box. 3. Don't 'stick' your landing. Instead, try to land quietly. Box jump exercises provides a near total body workout, no matter what level physical fitness you are at. By using very basic, versatile equipment and by working large, functional muscles, the box jump is an excellent way to jump to the next level of physical fitness and athletic ability. 
#fitnessmama #BeFit #boxjumps

Work Those Biceps WORKOUT! Bicep Curls 3x15 Overhead Arm Raises 3x15 *Find a weight that strikes the proper balance between challenge and manageability, then monitor your progress and adjust the weight as necessary. To execute this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a barbell (or dumbbell in each hand). Your arms should be by your sides with your palms facing upward. Bend your arms and, as your elbows pass 90 degrees of flexion. Next, rotate your hands into a palms face forward position at your chest. Continue raising the weights to shoulder-height. Press the weights up and overhead to full arm extension.


Last month I tried @nataliejillfit's #FlatBellyChallenge and it was intense!  Workouts are limitless. And before @nataliejillfit's #FlatBellyChallenge I had no idea that there were so many different ab exercises. To be honest, it was only about 4 months ago when I started really doing ab exercises. I always avoided doing them before that. I'm sure it had to do with thinking that sit-ups and the ab machine were the only two ab exercises I knew. But also, I knew that it was my weakest area. Instead of working on it, I avoided it. But not anymore! Once I was introduced to some exercises I could do that helped build and strengthen my core I didn't feel it was impossible anymore. Yes, it was tough. Yes, I wanted to give up. But, I didn't and I got over that ugly hump of thinking I couldn't do it. I'm surprised of how far I've come overall, but also in just my core strength.This was definitely fun, but very challenging. A lot of the ab exercises were new to me. At the end of the week I felt great!! Sore, but great! I was able to see a small difference in my mid-section. I will continue to incorporate these exercises in my workouts. And in doing that, I'm sure I will see even more of a change. My journey continues ;) Thanks so much for putting this challenge together mama!! You rock!!

#FlatBellyChallenge Day 1: 
1. Planks- keep your core tight and focus on keeping your back straight to avoid that "C" curve in that lower back. Tuck your pelvis UNDER to avoid lower back pain and to strengthen that core. 
2. Cheek to Cheek Planks- a form of plank variation rotating your hips from side to side keeping your core tight 
3. “Up Up Down Downs”- switch back and forth between plank and push up position keeping your core tight 
4. Plank Knee Tucks - alternate side to side bringing your knee to your chest Have fun mamas!!

#FlatBellyChallenge Day 2: 
1. Side Plank- Leaning on your forearm, keep your core tight and your hips off the floor 
2. Side Plank Dips- Holding the side plank position, dip your hip towards the floor and back up holding your core tight 
3. Side Plank Knee Lifts- in the side plank position, tuck your knee to your elbow
 4. Side Plank Tucks- holding the side plank position, use your free hand to reach through the space between your body and the floor Give it a shot mamas!!!

#FlatBellyChallenge Day 3: 1. Toe Touch Pike- laying on your back, keeping your legs and arms straight, bring your hands to your toes engaging your core 
2. Reverse Crunch Booty Lifts - keeping your legs straight, point your toes and lift your booty off the floor pulsing your toes towards the ceiling. Keep the c curve in your lower back FLAT…pushing it into the ground 
3. Flutter Kicks- keeping your legs straight, point your toes and cross your feet one over another back and forth to emulate a "flutter" . AGAIN Keep the c curve in your lower back FLAT…pushing it into the ground 
4. Windshield Wipers- bending at the waist, keep your legs straight and "wipe" your legs from side to side like a wind shield wiper • Ab Shimmies- put your hands on the floor and reach towards your feet from side to side

#FlatBellyChallenge Day 4: 
1. Superman Walk Outs- start from standing up and walk yourself out to a plank position with one last "reach", walk yourself up and then switch sides 
2. Side Plank Kick and Reach- hold a side plank, lift your leg, lift your arm and hold 
3. Inch Worm Crawls- much like the super man walk outs, start standing, walk yourself out with your hands and then walk your feet to your hands, repeat 
4. Plank Tucks- in a plank position, jump and tuck your legs underneath you and jump back out, repeat Let's keep it going mamas!!!!

#FlatBellyChallenge Day 5: 
1. Ab Lean Backs: on your knees, keeping your core engaged and your arms out in front of you, lean back 
2. Plank Fly Kicks- hold a plank and kick your leg back and tuck it in to your chest, repeat on both sides (sidenote: I'm showing an example of a modified version) 
3. Mountain Climbers- hold a plank position and "run" , alternate tucking your feet into your chest 
4. Low Bicycles- lay on your back, keep your core engaged and focus on keeping your back flat to the floor, getting rid of the "C" curve, alternate bringing opposite knees to your chest

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Fit Mama of the Month: Cherrie

      Our February Fit Mama of the Month is Cherrie! Cherrie is energetic, compassionate, has a great sense of humor plus a fabulous sense of style!  This mama can get you movin' and groovin' on a drop of a dime!  Since she decided to put her words into action, her life has changed dramatically. Here's a quote from Cherrie that I wanted to share with all of you..

"I was the "funny girl" that always hid behind the jokes... That was me. The "dreamer" that had every New Years Biggest Loser issue of People Magazine hanging on the refrigerator door... That was me. The girl that said, "I'm gonna do this ONE DAY.... That was me."

Who can relate to this? It IS possible to change your life around. Read her interview with Fitness Mama below to see what steps she took to change her life around. This mama is truly inspirational!

Connect with us!

Fitness Mama

Name/ Age/ Ethnicity/ Marital Status:
Cherrie Caballero/ 42yo / Filipino / Single & HAPPY!!! :)

Do you have children? 
 No Kids, but cannot wait to have one or 10! ;)

Do you work outside of the home?  What do you do?
am the Operations Director for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and a Zumba & UJAM® Fitness Instructor for 24 Hour Fitness.

Have you always been into fitness?  If not, why did you start? 
I started my weightloss journey on July 2010 when I moved to Sacramento.  I grew up in San Diego and always been active as a child and teenager.  My parents had all the girls in dance classes from hula to tap to Filipino folk dancing… You name it, we were in it! After gaining over 100 lbs from high school into my 40’s, I knew I had to do something about it!!! I went to the doctor to see if there were any “magical procedures” that can be done to help me, but was told that I was NOT a good candidate for it… I wanted this weight to magically disappear overnight… So I left disappointed!  I went home and pondered the rest of my life… I was told I was MORBIDLY OBESE, a borderline diabetic and I would probably not live past 55 years old (due to the family history of diabetes) if I did not do anything about it! Fast forward a few months, I packed my car up and moved from San Diego to Sacramento on June 22, 2010 and knew that I was going to HAVE to do something about it now!  I took control of my life and joined the gym on July 19th, 2010 and never looked back!  I weighed 277 lbs at my heaviest and lost a total of 130 lbs in a year and a half! I may have lost half my size, but I gained so much more….. MY LIFE BACK! The trade off is a NO BRAINER ;)





What do you do to stay active?  What is your favorite way to exercise?  am currently teaching 4 classes a week at 24 Hour Fitness and stay active by hitting the weights whenever I can.  What I have learned on this journey was I have been very fortunate to have my sister, Lillie, by my side from day one, keeping me motivated and accountable for every step I took on this journey and am forever grateful to the countless Group X Instructors at 24 (Especially Kristen Noel Thomas) that helped me to see the better version of myself!


Cher, Mom, & Sister Lillie

Best Friend Kristen

Making a commitment to stay fit is something that is not easy.  How do you stay motivated?
I stay motivated by ALWAYS remembering where I came from and where I never want to be AGAIN!  “REALITY” is a hard pill to swallow and everyday is difficult, but knowing that I’m touching and changing lives is enough motivation for me!  I always said that if I could help just ONE person on this journey, then everything I ever worked for will not be in vain!

How do you balance work and then trying to stay fit all at the same time? 
 I work 10-12 hour days at my day job and literally have 20 minutes to detox from my “day” job to teaching… There are nights that I’m not home until 11pm at night and go to bed to do it all over again!  The only thing that keeps me sane is doing choreography… THAT is my relaxation and what keeps me balanced! :)

A lot of our readers have questions about nutrition and what to eat.  We know the right answers will be different for everyone but can you share with us what you would eat on a typical day so that we can get some ideas?  
On this journey, I've learned many things like the importance of eating 6 meals a day (3 regular meals and 3 snacks) and most important… PORTION CONTROL! Being Filipino, if you don’t go back for seconds or fifths, your parents think that something is wrong with you! LOL!!! Oh, and I allow myself at least 3 cheat days a month!  I’m allergic to ALL seafood so I only eat chicken, Turkey or lean Ground Beef. On a typical day, I would eat the following:

1 Organic Rice Cake
2 tsp Peanut Butter
1 Banana
1 cup of black coffee (no sweetener or creamer)

2 Low Fat String Cheese

Grilled Chicken
½ Avocado
1 cup Brown Rice
1 Whole Wheat Tortilla

2 Cutie Oranges
1 Apple

Grilled Chicken (Diced)
½ Avocado
Low Fat Feta Cheese
2 tsp Low Fat Mayo

1 Small Bag of POPCHIPS
1 Low Fat String Cheese

What are some of your fitness goals for 2014?
Some of my fitness goals for 2014 is to continue to motivate others to be the BEST version of themselves and do whatever it takes to stay on this healthy path that I created for myself!

I love sharing my story with everyone and anyone that is willing to listen!

Follow me on FACEBOOK at JustMoveWithCher! Check out my schedule for Zumba and UJAM classes or simply connect with me!

THANK YOU FIT MAMAS… I am truly honored for the nomination!!!!!  <3 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

So Scrumptious Sunday: Sticking to Eating Healthy While Eating Out

We will be switching things up a little and move So Scrumptious to Sundays instead of Saturdays.

Fitness Mama has started this year off RIGHT.  We ended up creating running groups for mamas because there was so much enthusiasm for getting active.  We, ourselves, also have a few goals this year and it would be helpful for US to have a group of people to run with for support as well!  Running holds a special and dear place in Christelyn's and my heart because it was our love for running that brought she and I closer than ever.  For me personally, I may do all these fitness classes or take yoga classes...but I always come back to my one true love.  RUNNING!  It re-sets me, gets me back to feeling strong, and I always feel like I've had my best workouts when I run.  And we both definitely want to share this with all of you mamas.  Follow us on the Fitness Mama Facebook page and let us know if you're interested in joining us for a walk or run!  The runs take place on Saturdays, thus the reason for the So Scrumptious switch.

Stay tuned for more updates regarding our running groups!

Eating healthy doesn't have to mean boring salads everyday.  One of our fellow mamas shared this picture
with us: grilled chicken breast and portobello mushroom, wild rice and spinach.  Healthy, nutritious, YUMMY and definitely not boring.  

Eating healthy doesn't have to mean boring salads everyday.  One of our fellow mamas shared this picture with us on Instagram (thanks @debvelio!): grilled chicken breast and portobello mushroom, wild rice and spinach.  Healthy, nutritious, YUMMY and definitely not boring.  We will be sharing more ideas for nutritious meals so, for more ideas, stay tuned!  And don't forget to tag us on social media of your yummy healthy meal/snacks!  #fitnessmama #soscrumptioussaturday @fitnessmama_

You're NOT on a diet.  Instead, you're eating healthy right?  But what if family members have invited you to eat out?  Or your BFF wants to celebrate her birthday with a dinner out with the girls?  Are your healthy eating plans foiled?

They don't have to be.

You can eat out and still stay close to your healthy eating plans.  It is best to cook your own food at home because you can control the amount of salt/oil/etc. that goes into your meals.  But it is just unrealistic to NEVER eat out because while WE are trying to eat healthy, our friends, co-workers, families may not be.  And who wants to miss out on all the fun of being with friends and family?

We worked on this list of strategies that we use to stay eating healthy while eating out:
-plan ahead.  look at the menu online and figure out smart choices.

-choose soups that are NOT cream based.  

-try to always order a salad.  While the veggies will give you a nutritious boost, it will also get you full quicker so you don't end up filling up on rice/bread/pasta. 

-get the dressing on the side too!

-cut the portion in half.  Most restaurants will give you an entree on a plate that is bigger than your head.  :)  You don't need all those calories in one sitting.  Split it in half and take the other half home.  Or share one full entree with a friend!  That half + your salad will probably be enough.

-don't try to 'clean your plate'.  Recognize when you are full and then pack the rest.  Alot of times we eat while we socialize and not pay attention to how we are feeling.  

-stick with ordering water or unsweetened ice tea

Do you have any strategies for eating out while sticking to your healthy eating plans?  Share them with us!  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Be Fit Series: Planks

Planks are one of our favorite exercises. Maybe not while we are actually doing them though. lol 
YES, they will definitely force you to bring out that inner beast BUT like every exercise we've featured in our Be Fit series, it is very effective in working out ALL of your core muscles and also your endurance. This is a great exercise for ab toning. A big problem with planks is that a lot of people don't know the proper form and then end up putting strain on all the wrong places. 

Forearm planks:
Start at the top of the push up position. Next, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until all your body weight is resting on your feet and forearms. Hold this pose for 60 seconds. Your body should be forming a straight line from your feet to your head; no sagging at the hips and do not arch your back. Brace your abs (muscles should be contracted, like you're bracing for a punch). Relax your shoulders and try to keep them away from your ears.

If you can't do 60 seconds, try going for 15 seconds, rest, then repeat, Then increase your time and build up to 60 seconds. I always feel so strong at the beginning but by the end, it feels like the last ten seconds are the longest 10 seconds of my life! At this point, if you're like me, it is most important to keep proper form in mind. To challenge yourself once you've mastered the 60 second #plank try lifting a leg off the floor, reducing floor contact, and hold.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Be Fit Series: Push Ups

Click here for more information on our Be Fit Series.  

Push ups are an exercise you will see again and again in a lot of workout routines because it is so simple yet so effective. This is because it works out most of your core muscles in ONE exercise. While it targets the upper body (chest, arms, shoulder) it also strengthens your abs, lower back and legs. 

Proper form includes: *straight body. Don't sag at the hips or back. Your body should be a straight line from head to toe. *feet are together, hands are a little more than shoulder width apart. Your body weight should rest all on your feet and hands. Place hands on the ground, right under the shoulder/armpit area. Do not place hands too far out so that they are above your shoulders. *lower body to the ground until your elbows are at 90 degrees. Exhale on your way up. We usually do 3 rounds of 10 push ups, resting in between rounds.

There are different modifications to the push up to make it easier or more challenging. Beginners: Do push ups from your knees with your ankles up. Or assume regular position on your feet and then lower all the way to the floor, and then push up from there. BUT once you can do 12 of these, challenge yourself and do regular push ups and don't become complacent. Push ups are meant to be uncomfortable. BUT SO EFFECTIVE. Try going slowly at first and go at your own pace. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be Fit Series: Wall Sits

Click here for more information about our Be Fit Series.  

Wall sits are a great exercise to add to your workout routines. This is an exercise that targets more than one area, perfect for our busy mamas with very little time. It mainly strengthens your quads, where you will feel most of the burn but it also targets a lot of your core (hamstrings, glutes + abs). 

Strengthening your quads can also help prevent knee issues. Runner's knee=weak quads + tight hamstrings and calves. I suffered from runner's knee within the first six months that I started running.  My leg strength could not keep up with my drive and determination.  So no matter what I did that pain really made me hit a wall.  It wasn't until I did a TON of research that I figured out what the issue was: weak leg muscles.  So I did a bunch of different exercises that work out ALL the muscles in the quads so that they are all equally strong and it knee pain since.  One of those exercises is the wall sit. 

Stand with your back against the wall. As you bend your knees, slide your back down the wall until your knees make a 90 degree angle. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Take care that your knee does not go over past your toes; you may need to re-adjust to avoid this. Hold this move for 30-60 seconds. Rest and repeat x3. If you can't hold for 30 secs., try putting your knees at a 45 degree angle and then progressively go lower every week. There are different things you can to do make this even more challenging as well. Hold weights to your chest or rest them on your thighs. Or lift one foot off the floor and hold (this will really work out your calves!).

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Be Fit series: Walking Lunges

We've been posting some of our Be Fit series memes lately on our social media pages.  We felt that with any exercise, it is important to know exactly what muscles you are working out so that you know if it is an exercise that is safe for you to do or if it is in line with your overall goals.  Also, we talk a bit about proper form so that you ensure you are working out the right muscles.  We are passing all of this information to you mamas only because we plan to share some workouts that we do at home (ALL created by Christelyn and then tested/used by both of us).  Some of these workouts that she put together were just workouts that she created or learned during her journey.  A lot of them we use when we can't get to the gym because as busy moms, that is not always possible.  And we wanted to share these with you in case you needed some ideas for what kinds of workouts are out there.

Some of the exercises that you see in the Be Fit series will be combined into ONE workout.  The Be Fit series is meant to pass along information so that when you see it is time to do a plank in one of the workouts we share, you already know what we are talking about. 

#Walkinglunges are a great functional exercise because they mimic everyday activities: picking up the baby from the floor, picking up bags of groceries, etc. Like most of the exercises we love to do, this one targets a lot of different muscles, saving us time. It targets all four muscles of the quads and also your hamstrings and its also great for building stability, endurance and strength. 

We add hand weights to increase intensity. You can even add a bicep curl to this to work out your arms. 

Proper form is important so that you don't hurt your knees. Stand straight and then take a step forward. Lower hips to the floor. Your back knee should always face the ground; it should come close to the ground but never touch the ground. Your front knee is directly over the ankle, never veering off to either side; it should not go over the toes. Both knees are almost at a 90 degree angle. Push off with your back foot and come back to start position. This is one rep. Alternate legs, moving forward. Complete 2-3 sets of 15 reps each. 

Stay tuned for more from our Be Fit Series and some Fitness Mama workouts!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fitness Mama Fit Mama of the Month: Shalane

Happy New Year mamas!  It's Get It Girl Wednesday!  But we are going to switch it up a bit for this week.  We felt it would be the most perfect day to (re) introduce the first of these regular posts.  Fit Mama of the Month will be a new series of posts that will feature different women and their stories.  We are hoping that with these posts, more mamas will be inspired to make, start or keep their fitness goals for themselves and their families/friends.  We used to feature a motivating story every week; check out previous posts here.  We wanted to start this back up again because your stories inspire US to keep going in our own fitness goals.  We also hope that with any of the women we will feature, something about their story inspires YOU or speaks to you to motivate you.  If you can relate to the women we feature, then perhaps their path to fitness will contain some ideas you can use in your own path or with your families!  Because remember, our goals may be the same.  But how we get there will always differ and will tailor to our own unique challenges.  All of our past Fit Mama of the Week/Month ladies from past and present are either on Facebook or Instagram so most likely you can find their contact info somewhere on our pages; so if you have any questions for them please ask away!  ALL of them are such sweet, helpful, motivating women and I know they will welcome any questions or comments and they all will offer any support you need.  You can also let us know and we can forward anything to them.  I am always so proud and amazed at the wonderful Fitness Mama #fitfam community that surrounds us.

Connect with us!
Fitness Mama

Our very first Fit Mama of the Month is Shalane!  Read below about our interview with this inspiring mama.  She is a full time working mom of two active boys but she has found a great balance and has figured out how to just make it work and #makeithappen

Shalane.  I'm 27 years old.

Do you have children?  
Yes.  I have two boys, ages 7 and 5.

Shalane's boys.  :)

Do you work outside of the home as well?  
I am an application analyst in IT @ Sutter Health. I work full time 8-5 for the most part, but at times when supporting hospital go lives on the Sutter EHR, I work 12 hour days and even weekends at times. 

Have you always been into fitness?  If not, why did you start?
I have not always been into fitness. I had my first son at 20 years old and returned to my pre baby weight pretty quickly. I gained about 10 pounds before I got pregnant with youngest child at age 23 and then after my youngest son was born I slowly started gaining weight and reached my heaviest weight of 215 pounds early last year. I had some difficult challenges to get through and my primary care doctor put me on an antidepressant. I gained about 20 pounds on the medication and stopped taking it after 1 year. 

I knew that I needed to step my fitness goals up but this proved to be difficult being a working mom to two young boys.  I have always worked full time while raising my boys. The only thing on my mind after getting off of work was getting home to my family. I hated being away from them all day. I felt guilty not devoting the rest of my time with them. I actually felt like I was being selfish to take any more time away from them. I had myself convinced that I did not have the time to work out. There were points where I would find some motivation and would join the gym but after about a month with hardly any results, I would quit. I began to feel like I could not do it. I tried weight watchers with a friend and saw some results of a few pounds but that did not last either.
I pretty much lost all confidence in myself and settled. I began to feel depressed. The hardest thing for me was making fitness apart of my every day routine. I was so set in my daily schedule of working 8-5, picking up the kids, making dinner, giving baths, and then once homework came when my boys went to school, there was just no time. 
December 2012

December 2012
I had a few very close friends that lost a lot of weight and who were inspiring to me. I began to think, if she can do it, then so can I. I joined a gym about 8 months ago and started doing zumba classes. That motivated me to start running. I ran about 30-40 miles in a span of a couple months and cut out soda and started making better choices. I tried to go to the gym 3-4 days a week for an hour. I started gaining some confidence back and was a lot happier when I starting focusing on myself a little more. It made a huge difference in my outlook on life. 

Shalane with her personal trainer/November 2013
Six weeks ago, I decided to step it up and take my fitness to another level and hired a personal trainer. He has me on a very strict nutritional intake and I have learned so much about nutrition. I weight train 3 days a week and do plyokikboxing twice a week. On an average night after the gym, I get home between 7 and 8 pm. I take my son to basketball practice once a week and have a lot of fun introducing new exercises to them that I do that day in training. They love it.  I make sure to go home focused and at my best and spend some time with them and get their bath in. 

My mom and boyfriend and are a great support system. Daddy usually takes care of homework with the boys and my mom helps out so much. They are pretty much in routine with my schedule now and understand that all the time I spend at the gym is for myself and for them so I can be around as long as possible for them.

Shalane's mom 

Shalane and her boyfriend/November 2013

My trainer is the best. He goes above his call of duty in my opinion and has helped me so much. He has taught me to never say, “I can’t”.  He has told me time and time again, that the training never gets easier, you just get stronger”. I have lost just a little over 30 pounds and have a long way to go. This is a lifestyle for me. This is not temporary or "until the weight comes off". I have met some wonderful people who inspire me and encourage me and it means the world to me. I am happier than I have ever been. I am now inspiring others and it feels great. I am feeling very confident in myself physically and 
October 2011 and present

April 2012 & November 2013

You mentioned a little bit about how you work out.  What else do you do to stay active?  What do you do as a family to get active? 
To stay active I weight train, run, and do plyokikboxing. I exercise with my boys and we have a lot of fun. My littlest laughs and says mommy’s squatting or mommy what is that exercise called. LOL. Next summer I plan on getting a bike and going on family bike rides.

Shalane with her plyokikboxing class

Making a commitment to getting and staying fit is something that is not easy.  How do you stay motivated?
Making a commitment to stay fit is definitely not easy, but it is rewarding in so many ways. I follow some inspirational people on Instagram, including people such as my dear friend #fitnessmama. My personal trainer helps add to my motivation and just takes it up to a higher level. Group classes at the gym are also motivating; meeting people who are living the same lifestyle is awesome. 

How do you balance work and family and then trying to stay fit at the same time?
My family is very supportive so it makes it easier to balance fitness and family. My boyfriend and I both live an active lifestyle and I enjoy working out with him when my mom can watch the boys. It's always fun when he joins me for plyokikboxing. My mom helps a lot with dinner for the boys. I feel extremely blessed. 

A lot of our readers have questions about nutrition and what to eat.  We know the right answers will be different for everyone but can you share with us what you would eat on a typical day so that we can get some ideas?  
On a typical day my nutrition intake consists of:
Breakfast: oatmeal and a protein shake.
Snack: carrots, celery or fruit
Lunch: Chicken and veggies/salad
Snack: veggies or fruit
Dinner: a protein shake with fruit and veggies (this is because I have a personal trainer and so this is part of my personal plan) A healthy dinner choice would be chicken/fish and some veggies. 

What is your favorite snack?  
My favorite snack is celery with peanut butter at the moment. My kids enjoy this too. My boys also like apple slices with peanut butter. They also like oranges, watermelon, and pineapple.

What are some of your fitness goals for 2014?
My fitness goals I am working on at the moment are burning fat while leaning out and building muscle. I am 30 pounds away from my pre-baby weight. But I won’t be stopping there. I also want to run a ½ marathon this year.